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Long ride

I haven’t done this for a while. Plan was a 3.5 hr long ride. Did 4 hr.

Ended up reaching a park called Hilton Falls. Irony is that the day before I asked a friend about that park.

Stopped to grab a chocolate bar and a bottle of water. Starving the whole ride. Next time eat lunch before heading out.

Checked out a slope (by Glen Eden). It was steep to the point even when I was braking I was sure I would fall. Fun stuff. (Note: I tapped the rear brake lightly and push my weight to the back of the wheel. At the same time I tuck myself to the headset as much as possible. This way, my back wheel will not fly over me and me tumble down like humpty dumpty!)

Rode over the escarpment. I am so out of shape. Small ring, granny gear and I am still struggling :). Maybe b/c it was from the long run I had the day before.

Ride back home. Nice and windy. Despite all that, I love to be out in the wild.

I went into the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life..

– Henry David Thoreau

Taken from my 1 megapixel cell phone (explain the low quality of the pics):

First climb to the top of the escarpment. It’s only 8% grade but felt a lot more!

My steed!

Famous 6th line Milton climb. (I don’t need to ride this way back home but I figure I am here anyways, why not have some fun).

5 Responses

  1. Brilliant! Hilton Falls is excellent – I was out there with the kids today – saw tons o’ mountain bikers. Now there’s a thought…

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