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Mission as identity -> Mission as Community?

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It (Church) is not what you do on Sunday. It is who you are. To be a Christian is to be part of God’s people to express that life, your life through belonging to a Christian community. The heart of the mission of God is the creation of the people of God.”

– Tim Chester
Taken from (at the 60 min mark):
I am slowly convince that there is not such thing as a personal (by this I mean individualistic) relationship with God. To be in relationship with God is simultaneous to be in relationship with God’s people. Doesn’t that sound what Jesus sum up the commandments? Jesus replied: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” (Matthew 22:37-40)
What does this mean? Well, as one is part of a community, one is responsible for the well fare of the community (church). The community is also responsible for the well fare of one.
Does it make sense when a Christian leave a church (a community of Christians) b/c his/her needs? This is like I am leaving my family because none of them fulfill my need for endurance sports.
a few thoughts this morning:
– Christ died on the cross for the Church (the people, not individuals)
– if Christ died for the people (community), how does this affect Christian living?
– how does this idea of community diff than the western individualistic values?
– how does this in respect doing church, Sunday worship, fellowship, prayer meeting?
– can one call Christian without participating in community (almost like one call Christian and have no relationship with God?)
— can one identify themselves as Christian without going to church or be part of a church?
– Paul uses image of family to describe a church (for example 1 Tim, treat older man as your father) -> what’s the implication of this when we ‘do’ church?

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