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A passion for the city

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Tonight I had a great privilege to be part of the a short term mission training in my church.

It was a spirit-filled time. Lots of laughter, sharing and praying. The team is made up of majority youths and I am excited to see the values we are instilling among the youths (that prayer is key in mission, all Christians are missionary, going to church, tithing, does not make you a Christian etc.)

Great times…as I hear them pray, they are focus on letting God to transform them and lead by the Holy Spirit.

We went onto a discussion about revival. The question was ask…how come there is no revival in Mississauga..

and the answer is very clear (if not painful).

– we don’t pray enough
– we don’t think it is important
– we don’t care
– we are too busy


so as I was riding my bike back home. In my city. In my neighborhood. I cannot stop and wonder…when was the last time I pray for Mississauga? Rare was the answer….

All great things start with prayer….and from our knees (ain’t my quote…i summarize from another missionary).

One Response

  1. this sounds so exciting! wish i could be there to witness the urban short-term missions training & the growth of the youth. but for now, i live vicariously through your blog. (:

    amen to all you said about revival. i fall into each of those reasons. let's approach God in humility & brokenness & prayer.

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