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Putting my money where my faith is

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My cat, Jojo, fell ill a few days ago. He stopped eating and drinking. While I was at work, I fell quite stress over it. My other cat, Bibi, died earlier this year. I still remembered the weeks where my sis and I took care of her as her health deteriorate. I was wondering if I had to do that again.

So after work, we took Jojo to an emergency pet hospital. After a brief examination and a shot, he was released. Jojo situation hadn’t got better and we are going to take him to the vet tomorrow.

The bill came up to 300 dollars. I paid on the spot without thinking about it.

As I drove back, my mom was telling me there was a gentleman paying 2,000 dollars for his dog’s surgery.

As a pet owner, I want the best for my pets. They are like family. More than family. My family is more worry about Jojo than me if I was sick.

At the same time, I cannot stop and wonder, what I can do with that 300 dollars. I was talking to a sister who helped out at The Ratanak Foundation. With 2,000 dollars, they can save a girl from child prostitution. I am sure 300 dollars can go a long way to helping someone in need.

Where am i spending my money is where my faith is. If I store it in the bank, knowing full well that the money can go to someone in need, then we know my love for earthly wealth is more important than heavenly treasures. It is black and white. And in a capitalistic society it is more so.

And God, being a loving Father, will act and do justly to help those who are marginalize and those who are hurting. We should always remember that how we spend (or not spend) our money relate to our faith. We should always remember that our Father is a justly God and a comforter for the poor and the weak. As such, we are to act the same. That is if we are serious to say and believe that our life is a living sacrifice.

This Sun, my church is collecting for a number of community projects…and that’s where my money will go.

For where your treasure is, your heart will be also – Matthew 6:21

And I am serving only one master.

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