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Today I went to Toronto General Hospital to see my transplant doctor.

Traveling from Mississauga, I rushed to downtown at 7:30 to make it to the 9:30 am appointment.

Rush out the door and stuck in traffic.
Rush to find a parking lot and run into the subway.
Rush past people to check myself in at the Transplant Out-patient clinic.

By the time I see my transplant doc, it was 12:30 pm. I was anxious as I wanted to rush back home to supervise a contractor.

The meeting lasted no more than 5 min.

“Your numbers look great. You look good. There is nothing we can do with your medication. Take care.”

There are two ways to look at this…

I can be upset thinking about the fact that I traveled so far and waited so long for a measly five-minute appointment. Do I really need to be in person for them to tell me I am ok? Can’t they simply put me early in line, so I don’t have to wait so long?

On the other hand, I realize I should be grateful. A five-minute meeting means I am healthy. An extended meeting says the doc found something wrong and did more follow up and tests.

There are probably others who need more of the doctor’s attention than me. There are others who would love to hear that they don’t need another test or change/add more medication.

I am learning, after having my transplant for almost 30 years, this is a good type of wait. It seems and feels like a waste of time, but it is a time to give thanks.

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