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Sport Ministry

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Email I sent last night..
I was just thinking about my triathlon. I was sharing with a brother tonight that I was glad when I was a new Christian, my pastor gave me lots of patience and grace and let me get into this. He could have easily say “Oh Cliff, you know Sunday is a time for church and to worship the Lord. Why are you doing your races then? Don’t you love the Lord?”

I remember a while back a brother was joking how that all triathletes are sinners because the race is always on Sun. Looking back, if that’s where all the sinners are, they probably need Christ the most…and that’s where I should be as well.

I think God made each of us with passion on certain things. Even when they are not like church related….what i slowly discover (or the way the Holy Spirit shown me) is that they can be use to share the gospel by connecting with each other. For me, that’s how I take triathlon as…a ministry. And looking at the Transplant Games, I am very excited…i thought about how God not only give me this great sport where I LOVEEEEEE and get to wear spandex and sweat at the same time…and I can use it to talk about Him. I was invited to speak in front of a few group of runners about my experience. I never thought that would happen when I was got into the sport.

If from the beginning I thought about how I could use this sport to share the gospel..i probably would just quit and do something else…like door to door evangelism (not to say this is no good..it is just not my calling). Explore around and see where the Holy Spirit is working..and follow….
Thank you…

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