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Still around.

Been quite on the blog front. I am still around. Been training again :). Well not really training..just running, riding and swimming around. On Sat, met up with Darren and rode for 2:45. Well i rode for 2:45 and he rode for 2:30 b/c he spent 15 min waiting for me :P. Good to be in the hills at Orangeville area. It was good to hang out with Darren again. He got a new rocket. The P3C! I am sure he will be rocking with it this coming season.
Tonight I did miles repeat in a really long time. Starting it easy. Or so I thought easy. 7:30, 7:24..then 7:3x…well sorta blow up half way. I was getting cramps. Last season, I was running them at 6:50, 7:00, 7:10. So you see, my fitness have dropped a bit. No need to get worry. I will start ramping it up and if it goes well, we should see some improvement in a few months. Despite the ‘slowness’ of the miles repeat. It feels good to be in good pain.
As for everything else, I have been helping out at Open Door. It is a drop in shelter located in Square One (one of the prominent mall in my city).
Every Mon night, we go and sort clothes. People give clothes and we sort them depend on gender and size. Once a month, Open Door give away to those in need. Tonight we moved the clothes from the storage to the store. It was lots of fun. Despite the hard times, people were very generous and we sorted so much clothes. I am pretty sure we will give them all out….
I just finish dinner and ready to pass out :)….

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