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Where in the world is my gall bladder??

Oh what a day yesterday was. My appointment was at 2:30 pm. First I waited outside for an hour. Then they brought me to a waiting room where we have to change into a gown and wait for another hour. By the time I was done, it was 5:30 pm. 10 hours of no eating. Oh the humanity.

I finished reading the Paleo Diet (review is on its way) during the wait time and at the end Joe was saying u should follow a 95-5 diet. 95% u can eat base on the diet and 5% u can eat anything you want. Well after the ultrasound, there was much celebration. I ordered a chicken burger, fries and orange soda. It taste good. My stomach nag me for feeding it so much grease. But my brain thank me for giving it some junk food.

Yesterday I realize I am gall bladderless. I was talking to the person doing the ultrasound and saying how they suspect i have gall bladder stone. He said “what you have no gall bladder”. I didn’t realize that. They must have taken it out when I had my operation 15 years ago.

What does this mean? Well, all the people trying to make their bike as light as possible should have remove non-important organs. Appendix, gall bladders, we don’t need those and can save us bundles of grams (grasp!).

Holy crap. I just did a search on the net and find a pic of a gall stone. Ohh. Thank God I have no gall bladder.

One more note: The transplant coordinator told me there is nothing I can do in terms of diet that can make my liver number change. Hmm…will look into that.

If you are bored :)

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