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Would Jesus Twitter?

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This is a post from Dave Gibbons in discussing about technology and Christianity.

You can read it here. I like the idea of a church with thousands of doors. Here he is talking about that we can start an experience of a church online and offline.

I love what the United Methodist Church denomination recently did. They recognized they needed to “rethink church” and just released their new website – 10thousanddoors.org and asked the question, “What if church wasn’t just a building, but thousands of doors? Each of them opening up to a different concept or experience of church – and a journey that could change our world. Would you come?”

I think a lot of times churches just don’t know where to start. Start with what God’s given you. Just like you reach out and recruit worship leaders to help lead worship, reach out and recruit people to help with your online strategy and execution. Make an intential decision to invest — your time and resources. Just as you invest in physical spaces, invest in online spaces.

I like to take this point from a diff perspective. What if, each one of us, the brother and sister in a church, when we live and contact with those around us carry the church with us? Instead of a church as a building, it becomes a church as a group of people each carrying the church with them to every person they contact. This bring on a whole new meaning to bringing church to the people. Imagine a congregation of 100 people. This means a 100 little churches gather together and off extending God’s Kingdom. Would this impact the community? I sure think so.

My response on Dave’s post:
This is a great post. The internet reminds me of the Gutenberg press. As I recall, the first book that was printed was the Bible. The press itself have a huge change in cultural. Scribes are not longer needed and we can replicate literature and share knowledge in a way mankind has never seen before. The internet is just like the Gutenberg press. We can bring the Gospel or share it in a whole way of context we can never dream of. Not only do we have the knowledge at our cell phone. We can be part of history and in making history (by uploading and taking images at real time etc.). I too, think Jesus will use twitter and use facebook. He probably have prostitutes and sinners on His profile too. Thanks for giving me a diff perspective on technology :).

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