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In awe

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Christmas is coming soon. And as I look back, reflect now, it seems I can be quite a busy body. Busy reading many blogs. Busy reading many books. Busy reading the Bible. Busy moving around. Ministries…meeting up with friends.

Last night, I was sharing with a brother that when I think about Christ, I am still at awe. Why would God send His Son on earth. The King and the Lord come on this filthy place for people who will reject Him? I can’t even put in words. God is dwelling among us (Emmanuel)!
I pray and hope that whenever Christmas or Easter or even everyday, I am continue to be reminded of how awesome our Saviour is. That I will never lose heart or lose the passion. Nor I find it dull or worst..boring.
Just as lyric in the song, O Sacred King
For it’s the mystery of the universe
You’re the God of holiness,
Yet You welcome souls like me

A mystery indeed!

I hope among what I do, I am always in awe of You.

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