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A Boat Bobbing in an Ocean

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For the past few weeks, many people inquired about the future of my wive and me.

My role with OMF is for two years.  I decided to renew for six more months to finish up some of the projects that I am involve in.  I can say, the next few weeks and months will be very busy as I am helping to revamp and upgrade a key part of their IT system.

As much as it is great for people to pray for us, it is also a trying period in our lives. Many people, with good intention, ask about our future.  And to our best intention, we do not have any answers.

Where are you going to go after OMF?
I don’t know.

What about staying in Singapore?  Have you thought about that?
Yes, but we are letting the Lord to guide us.

What about your work visa? What happens if it expires?
I do not know.  I can ask for an extension.  But really we don’t think we will stay here for long.

What about going to Canada?  Have you consider that?
Yes, we have.  Shared about our tales in Canada….then decided to go on mission.

What will you do if you are going on mission for a year or two?
I have no idea.

Has God revealed to you where you will be going?
Not yet.


As you can see, it is not much of a conversation. In a way, it sounds rather negative.  Just no no no no and more no.  To be honest, I do not know and Wai Jia does not know.  This is not due to the fact that we are naive and unprepare.  Though our answers seem to point to us that we never consider our responsibility and practicality.  It does sound like we are irresponsible.  We have to think about our future.  Where will we take care of our family?  What about savings?  What about my own health?  What about Wai Jia’s career?

The truth of the matter is that we both discuss, think and pray through many of these scenarios.

Today, I had a little revelation of our current situation.

It is an image of a small boat bobbing up and down among a temptest in a vast ocean.   Imagine if you will you are sitting on this wooden little boat. 

We are in a scenario in which we have little to control.  There are scenarios and there are possibilities.  There are dangers and risks.

The storm of the seas pushes this boat up and down.  The raining is pouring and lightning is all around you.  The boat is so fragile and so small.  At any moment one wave will push the boat over. 

I immediately thought of the story of Jesus calming the sea.   Just like how my image of a boat among the storm, the disciples were in the same predicament.  Jesus was sound asleep.  In their fear, they cried out to Jesus to calm the storm.  Jesus rebuked the storm and told the disciples they had little faith. The disciples were stunned.  Who is He with the authority and power to stop a storm?

And so I found myself in the same scenario.  Jesus is in the boat.  So am I.  He is also sound asleep.  Am I afraid?  Definitely!  At the same time I know if Jesus is with me, things will be alright.  So among the storms and the unknown, I am resting in Him.


He is taking us deeper than both of us experience.   I know I need to go deeper.  I need to build up my faith.  We need to press in.

He is taking us deeper than both of us experience.  We are on journey rock back and forth by the waves of uncertainty, doubt and risk.  In the stormiest of our lives, we rest on His Grace and His Faith.

Then he got into the boat and his disciples followed him.  Suddenly a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping.  The disciples went and woke him, saying, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!”

He replied, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.

The men were amazed and asked, “What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him!Matthew 8:23-27 NIV

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