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Blogging and transition

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I haven’t blogging as much.

I have a few blog posts saved.  A few thoughts started.  But never finished.

Being in Singapore, I have Internet connection on my phone, with an Internet stick, at home and at work.

Yet, to sit still and formulate a thought (or a post), is rare.

I am learning again to be still.  Learning to love the poor and the lost.  Learning to have that passion to love.   Learning to pray.  To really live out for Him.  To not be complacent or settle.

Among all, I am greatly blessed.  God has placed Wai Jia in my life.  I have everything I need here.

Yes, I do miss Canada. Miss my friends and miss family.  It is quite different to catch up on your friends by going through their Facebook wall and see what they are up to.  Or those days where you want to just hang out but can’t.

At the same time I am looking ahead to see where God is bringing me towards.  There are a number of strong Christians brothers and sisters that are committed for the poor and the gospel.

Also, there will be a big transition in my life very soon.

So much changes and transition.

I hope to continue to put Christ in the center of it all.  May my peace comes from Him.  To dwell in His presence.  To worship freely.  To have compassion and a generous spirit!

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