This is the Christmas tree we set up in our home. When I set it up, I thought it was a poor sight. The top is tilting. The bristles are far in between. I thought, wouldn’t it be nice if I spent a bit more money on getting a better tree?
(Note: I am not against lovely trees or even real ones. I am not judging anyone here )
As I think how much I should spend on a tree, I realized I was missing the point of Christmas.
I am most fascinated about the Bible, especially Jesus, which is how human and humble He is. He did not need to come from a virgin birth in a manger in a small town of Bethlehem. As the Son of God, He could have come down brilliantly.
Wouldn’t it be better and more glorious had it just come down from heaven at night as a man? Fireworks and stars line up in words like, “This is your Messiah, Jesus Christ!” Thousands and thousands of angels can appear with chorus singing.
\Nope. Instead, He did the unexpected. The Son of God humbled Himself and became a babe, and the only witnesses were probably animals.
My hope for my family is that when Christmas comes, we focus on the reason for the season every year. It ain’t about the presents, the glitters, and the treats, though they are very nice. But the most excellent part is to be in awe of the King of kings and Lord of lords who is in the form of God, did not consider it to be equal with God. But made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of a cross (Phil. 2:6-8).
Wow, what response is there other than humbly worship the one whose name is above every name?
I end up not getting a new tree. My kids loved this tree, and they probably won’t notice any difference anyway