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It wasn’t what I expected. I rush back home figuring I can spend an hour on the trainer before Fellowship (yup, Susan, Wylee, Al Carter, sarah, I choose iii). Rushing back home, I have the same nervousness as I was asking a girl out.

I got home, grabbed my shorts, put on my bike shoes and hopped on the bike. I made sure the skewer was set up correctly (Thanks Steven). I made sure the tire was in contact with the roller (thanks IronBenny). Got the tv turn on. Set the remote next to the bike. Everything was perfect.

But it didn’t feel right. Maybe b/c I haven’t done this for a long time (since September). Maybe b/c I have been off training since November. Maybe I am just bad with my trainer. It doesn’t feel like the same as if I am outdoor. I miss the wind, miss the resisitence and miss the view.

So there I was. Stuck in the basement. I watched Seinfield. I flipped through the tv. Nothing interesting was on. By 40 min, I had enough…I got off.

Maybe this is just the beginning. Maybe I am just out of shape. Maybe a movie or some other show will help.

I am not putting this off. I love to bike. Getting back on the saddle felt great. I think my ass is not use to riding anymore. It was complaining by 30 min. Need to get this rust off of me.

Next time I promise I will be better. Next time I will bring some roses and candy and be a gentleman.


I have more toys yesterday. The fins and pull buoy had arrived. I tried out the fins this morning. I spent 20 minutes flipping and flopping around in the pool. I notice they helped my leg kick slower. I don’t know if this is a good thing or a bad thing (gotta ask my coach about this).

I was telling Shirley (my running friend from the west) that I have been training a lot more. Ever since I have start training again this week, it was like I have much more time for it. It is all about perspective. Ok, I have an hour between church and work. Let’s go do…..

Today after work, I am going to take another chlorine bath to play with the pull buoy. Tomorrow, bike, run, work out and swim (drills). These are all low intensity. It will be the first time I am heading back to the gym. Tomorrow is like a triathlon on its own 🙂

December is my transition month. I am going to focus on technique. Running 180 steps per minute. Swimming..well LEARN NOT TO SINK. Biking, get use to riding again….

I am planning on training 550 hrs next season. This is an average of 10 hours a week. With what I have been training this week, I think I am equal or over that. I just have to make sure I don’t over train. Right now I think I am ok b/c all my training is done in low intensity. I am focusing more on technique and drills. That won’t wear my body out physically. Christmas came 24 days earlier for Cliffy 😉

If you are bored :)

Keep Moving Forward

It has been almost a month since my family and I moved to Africa. We are slowly adjusting to our new home. Like most missionaries, figuring out even the simplest things is a journey. I am still figuring out how to get water here where we stay. My home has

Dust off a book

Dusting off this blog

I have been blogging since 2005. That’s almost 20 years! Though not very consistent. What started with a triathlon blog turned into a Christian blog. And I stopped blogging in 2011 after I came to Singapore. These days, I’ve shared most of my thoughts on social media (Facebook, Instagram and

Fruit for thought: The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill

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