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Trainer question…and decisions..

I have a few question about bike trainer.

I bought a Cyclo Ops Fluid II from a friend on Sunday. Tonight I put my bike on. My friend told me the trainer is missing a rear axle thingy. It was attached on his old bike and it got stolen (sucks). I have to get a replacement from the company. However, without the rear axle thingy, I can put my bike on the trainer. Right now, my rear quick release is attach to the trainer pretty tight. Is that ok?

The tires are making some noise on the trainer. I think the rubber has to burn a bit before the trainer will quiet down. Maybe it doesn’t like the new owner. I ride a few times last night. Oh, I am so out of shape. I think I need to switch to granny gear to get some good cadence.

Tonight before heading to Fellowship, I have about an hour to spare. Now should I:

i) take a chlorine bath and do more drills
ii) go out for a night run (did it last night..feel great)
iii) stay home and play with my new toy (the partial bike setup)

Hmm..want to do all three but can only do one… ;)…life of a confused (and somewhat newbie) triathlete….

If you are bored :)

Keep Moving Forward

It has been almost a month since my family and I moved to Africa. We are slowly adjusting to our new home. Like most missionaries, figuring out even the simplest things is a journey. I am still figuring out how to get water here where we stay. My home has

Dust off a book

Dusting off this blog

I have been blogging since 2005. That’s almost 20 years! Though not very consistent. What started with a triathlon blog turned into a Christian blog. And I stopped blogging in 2011 after I came to Singapore. These days, I’ve shared most of my thoughts on social media (Facebook, Instagram and

Fruit for thought: The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill

I recently finished listening to the whole series of podcasts on The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill. It has been a sobering podcast to listen to. I highly recommend for those who are in seminary or going to ministry full-time to listen to. It is a good reminder that