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I. One Less Tooth

Went to the dentist to yank out a tooth. Trust me, it was better out than in. Ever since my bike accident in Sept, this tooth has been aching. It ached so bad that I could not bite properly. It is one of the back tooth on the left side. I have to eat everything on the right side. The dentist told me the tooth has splitted into three bits.

On the way home, I felt weak and insecure. In the next few months, I will have to go fix my teeth. This means, I won’t be hitting the chlorine pool as often as I want. In fact, I may have to cut off some training for rest days. I was planning to take a swim class in December. With such uncertainty, I am going to hold that off. I am sure the cost to fix my teeth will be higher than expected. I need a tri bike, need a wetsuit, need swimming classes. Argh……

It seems my plan for next year is falling apart even it begins. How can such a little thing as fixing my teeth can effect so much?

II. Calmness in Calamity

What’s interesting is how calm I am despite what happen. I am feeling more positive despite what’s going on in my life. At work, I have to implement a database which it wasn’t decided properly. At Chruch, I am leading a Fellowship which its spirit seemed to be suck dry in the summertime. At training, I am unsure what’s my true potential is. At home, things are going up and down. Oh yeah and then there is this teeth situation.

Despite all that, there are times when I feel true calmness. In a sea of raging waves, I find peace and harmony. I have never felt this before. And it just happened ever since I had my bike accident. It would happen randomly. I would go down to the basement and suddenly I will feel it. It is as if Jesus came down and put his hand on my shoulder, comforting me.

With all these problems, I have never feel such satisfaction in my life. I have a good job with someone I can mentor upon. I can pay my bills. I can run, and bike and swim. I can train. I have good friends (a few on here 🙂 ). If I am going to heaven tomorrow, let’s go. My life should have ended back in ’91 when I was diagnosed with cancer. Everyday I wake up is extra. Bonus.

If you are bored :)

Keep Moving Forward

It has been almost a month since my family and I moved to Africa. We are slowly adjusting to our new home. Like most missionaries, figuring out even the simplest things is a journey. I am still figuring out how to get water here where we stay. My home has

Dust off a book

Dusting off this blog

I have been blogging since 2005. That’s almost 20 years! Though not very consistent. What started with a triathlon blog turned into a Christian blog. And I stopped blogging in 2011 after I came to Singapore. These days, I’ve shared most of my thoughts on social media (Facebook, Instagram and

Fruit for thought: The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill

I recently finished listening to the whole series of podcasts on The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill. It has been a sobering podcast to listen to. I highly recommend for those who are in seminary or going to ministry full-time to listen to. It is a good reminder that