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Life of the Soul

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This is a repost from Challies.com.

When sins and fears prevailing rise,
And fainting hope almost expires;
Jesus, to Thee I lift mine eyes,
To Thee I breathe my soul’s desires.
Art Thou not mine, my living Lord;
And can my hope, my comfort die,
Fixed on Thy everlasting word,
That word which built the earth and sky?
Since my immortal Saviour lives,
Then my immortal life is sure;
His word a firm foundation gives –
Here let me build, and rest secure.
Here let my faith unshaken dwell;
Immovable the promise stands;
Not all the powers of earth or hell
Can e’er dissolve the sacred bands.
Here, O my soul, thy trust repose;
Since Jesus is for ever mine,
Not death itself, that last of foes,
Shall break a union so divine.
Anne Steele, 1760

No. 623 in “Our Own Hymnbook”
Tonight I watched 2012. As I watch the special effects of the world being torn apart by cartographies, I cannot help but to think my life is short.

Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away. – James 4:14 (NASB)

My life is a fleeting moment. This is not my home. I am just a stranger on the land. And in time I will pass away. In time, I will be in the Kingdom of which I was predestined. For now, in the midst of suffering, I hold on to the Hope which was bestowed upon me. For my strength is weak and what’s mine is temporary. I rest on the eternal promise.

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