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Next Stop, Australia!

Hey everyone.
I am leaving to Australia next Thursday for the Transplant Games. Earlier the month, I received a few shirts for the games. I was very touch when I see the red jacket with Canada etch in the back.
I cannot believe I will be representating Canada. I am honor and grateful at the same time. I have been speaking with our team leader and soon I will be joining them and among many of those who had transplants around the world to race and celebrate life.
To be honest, I didn’t think too much about the games. As you know, I am a triathlete by heart. Yet, as the days I am planning, filling out forms and taking care of all the logistics, this is pretty big.
I would love to say I want to go for a medal. There is something more than that. Slowly, I am going back to thinking, wow my liver transplant is really something. A gift and a miracle indeed.
So back to the games….I am participating in 5 km run, 5 km bike time trial and 20 km bike race. The team asked me to join 50 m freestyle relay team and 4 x 100 m sprint.
I will be going out all out. Simply because I can. And there are many who cannot….
Thanks for reading…I have something in store to show you guys before I go :O)

10 Responses

  1. Sounds like you will be busy. I know this will be a life impacting experience. Lots of lessons to be learned and stories to tell. Wish you all the best.

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