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Rain Delays

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It is 11 at night and lightning is rolling through the sky. It was pouring earlier….

I was listening to this song on the way back home….the more indifferent we try to be..the more similair we are. We all need grace. We all need to believe in something. Yet, where we search are often in places where grace is missing. Like the bottom of a bottle or superficial goods that keep us thirsty.

Rain Delays by Crash Parallel

The sleepless nights and endless days,
Mini skirts and serving trays,
Waking up from rain delays,
And selling sex for pocket change,
And living off the alcohol,
With no one but a cab to call,
Lost inside a bathroom stall,
This carbon copy life withdraw,

And I need, Someone to believe in.

And driving cars we cant afford,
Just to insure were never bored,
Living off our own accord
Between coffee grinds and corner stores
Limousines and cigarettes,
Chasing dreams with fishing nets
And long weekend with no regrets
Cause no one here is taking bets

And I need, Someone to believe in
Yes, someone to fill this space, with grace
To look into my eyes and touch my face
To make me feel alive today

Someone to make me strong
Someone to make me belong
Someone to make it all right
Someone to make me feel alive, yeaah

And stretching out like rubber bands
To kiss the cheeks and shake the hands
And pull hearts and wonderlands
Strong arms and legs to stand
And getting by on hand me downs
With your tips, your drinks, your buying rounds
Back to my old stomping grounds
Like children in the lost and found

And I need, Someone to believe in
Yes, someone to fill this space, with grace
To look into my eyes and touch my face
To make me feel alive today YEAHH

If you are bored :)

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