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Sometimes pain is good

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In triathlon training, we have a saying:

Good pain is good

In order for us to become faster, we have to push it. And often the case, it hurts. I can recall the numerous hill repeats I have done. And every time it hurts. I use to think that I train hard and suffer so that I don’t suffer on race day. That was working when I just race to finish.

When it comes to racing for personal best, I realize that the ‘suffering’ never goes away. I come to come to an acceptance that I train to suffer so I can suffer more on race day. Whether it is a short distance or a long distance, I will be suffering out there.

And this is hugely un-comforting (duh). Just like working out, we need to feel the pain so that we can become stronger, I often this is the same case as being a Christian.

Today, I am reminded by this post that sometimes as Christian, we have to suffer for Christ. This is another duh (big DUH [emphasize with CAPS]). How often do I wonder how come it is so hard to become a Christian, to abstain from sin, to pursuit God did I have to remind myself, Jesus never say it is easy.

Recall the numerous passages where Jesus talks about the Cost of Discipleship (Matthew 5:11, Luke 14:26-27) , well it costs something.

In 1 Peter, Peter addresses Christians that are getting persecuted because of their alliance with Christ. In 1 Peter 4:12-13, it says:

12Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. 13But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed.

So I am sitting here wondering, am I suffering for Christ? What’s my cost of discipleship?

I was having a discussion with a few Christian brothers and ‘suffering’ tend to be work and over-work. Is this what suffering in today’s context consist of?

The ‘trials’ that I go through is pale in comparison of the first century Christians and some Christians living in persecuted regions. I mean, being look down upon for being a Christian is almost minute to my brothers and sisters that are being arrested, beaten and/or tortured.

I have to remind myself that on the journey with Christ, sometimes it does hurt and that’s ok. Jesus bear the cross and He suffered for our sake. I don’t see why as a disciple I should be exclude from this suffering. Besides, good pain is good.

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