Seek first
Back in Dec 25, 2007, I signed a contract with God that I will seek Him first in everything that I do. Some where in the contract I stated that the Lord is good and He will provide. Recently, my heart was heavy with things about the future. And this worry was bothering me more […]
“He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep, in order to gain what he cannot lose.” – J. Elliott
A conversation Friend: ….im tempted to signup for the 5k..but i remember the convo i had with you back awhile ago…and how there is no pt to pay to run 5k i want to do a 10k. My response: if u pay..u might as well get your money worth 5 k is 35 bucks? marathon […]
I have been doing triathlon for four years. After four years of sweating and training, it feels like I am only at the beginning of the sport. There is still a lot of learn and a lot I don’t know. That’s great. The joy of discovering and exploration. I got baptise the Sun after I […]
Engage the culture
I was thinking the way I share the gospel. I rather how often I use church terms and lingos to talk to unbelievers. I remember one time I use the word fellowship and the other person scroff and said, ‘What was that…Lord of the rings?’ Too true too true. I don’t think non-believers care about […]
Simply Awesome Took this from Chuckie V’s blog…simply awesome 🙂
My King is moving
Today I attended BASIC Toronto’s Conference call Heart Matters in the City. It is a youth worship conference to rally them to love the city as Jesus would. Through the worship, all I can think about is Open Door and Mississauga. I was listening to Reggie McNeal the other day. He was talking about the […]
Unpleasant Experience Today I got a newsletter from Kona Endurance. Odd, I never sign up for their newsletter. How did they get my contact? About two months ago someone from this company added me to my Facebook profile. They were doing some promotion through my profile which I ignore. I suspect they grab my email […]
A short ride On Sun, I met up with a friend to go for an easy ride. It wasn’t suppose to be long. Just an hour or two. It turned out to be shorter. 40 min into the ride, I had a slow leak in my rear tire. My friend was a new rider and […]
Prayer Jog…walk!?!
Yesterday, I decided to go out for a jog. I am very out of shape. I haven’t run since the Half Ironman I did a week and a half ago. Fitness drops sharply when we don’t exercise. A jog quickly become a puffing content and I decided to walk instead. As I walked around my […]